School Attendance Questionnaire
Average time to complete
What do you feel is an acceptable level of school attendance? (Select one answer)
| 100% | 5 | |
| 95-99% | 14 | |
| 90-94% | 15 | |
| 85-89% | 1 | |
| 80-84% | 0 | |
| Below 80% | 0 | |
For what reasons would your child be off school? (Select all that apply)
| Major illness (e.g. medical condition or hospitalisation) | 33 | |
| Minor illness (e.g. cough, sore throat, runny nose, sore tummy) | 23 | |
| Minor illness with incubation period (e.g. sickness bug) | 28 | |
| Anxiety - school related (e.g. work too difficult) | 6 | |
| Anxiety - bullying / friendship issues | 10 | |
| Anxiety - poor relationships with staff | 4 | |
| Anxiety - not school related | 5 | |
| Family issues | 5 | |
| To help out at home or look after someone | 0 | |
| Non-uniform day | 0 | |
| Lack of school uniform (e.g. uniform is dirty or doesn't fit) | 0 | |
| Family holiday | 12 | |
| Special occasion (e.g. birthday) | 1 | |
| Last day of term | 0 | |
| Weather (not school closure) | 3 | |
| School trips / special activities | 2 | |
| Religious holiday or cultural observation | 0 | |
| Other | 2 | |
What should the school do to encourage attendance? (Select all that apply)
| Make lessons more enjoyable | 10 | |
| Set individual attendance targets (for pupils who require this support) | 15 | |
| Wellbeing check ins | 9 | |
| Breakfast club | 1 | |
| Soft start | 5 | |
| Clubs and activities after school | 4 | |
| Individual playtime / lunchtime arrangements | 4 | |
| Buddy system | 4 | |
| Safe space | 12 | |
| Support families (e.g. help with morning routine/sleep pattern) | 8 | |
| Help parents/carers to access additional support (e.g. financial, mental health, parenting) | 4 | |
| Other | 6 | |
Thank you for sharing your views with us. If you feel you need help to improve your child's attendance or require support with any other issues that the above questions have highlighted, please leave your name and contact telephone number below.