Early Learning & Childcare
It is our pleasure to welcome you and your child to Carstairs Junction Early Learning and Childcare (ELC). We look forward to building a strong, positive partnership with you and your family to ensure the best opportunities for your child as they learn and grow.
We aim to:
- Provide a safe, inclusive and nurturing learning environment which builds resilience and where every child is valued and respected as an individual.
- Create motivating learning opportunities, both indoors and outdoors, which encourages creativity, exploration and inquiry.
- Deliver a curriculum which offers high quality, challenging and open-ended learning experiences through play.
- Support children to become leaders of their own learning by ensuring opportunities for children to discuss, plan and evaluate their experiences and resources are well planned.
- Facilitate partnership working with our parents, carers, other agencies and the wider community to meet the needs of every child and ensure they achieve their full potential.
Latest News
Question of the Month
As part of our ongoing self-evaluation, we are keen to hear parent/carer views on a particular aspect of our service in order to ensure continuous improvement.
Google Forms (parent questionnaires) may be shared via our school email or your child's learning journal.
We look forward to sharing your suggestions and our response to taking forward your ideas.
Newsletters & Publications
ELC Natter
We would love you to play an active and supportive role in your child’s ELC experience by becoming part of our Parent Council.
Please see the 'Parent Council' section of our website for more information and please do speak to any member of the team if you are interested in joining.
We have regular opportunities for parents/carers to join us in sharing with your child's learning through Stay and Play sessions, parent workshops and coffee mornings.
Useful Links
Carstairs Junction Primary School
Coronation Street
Carstairs Junction
ML11 8QY