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26.7.24  - Start back after summer holidays
Just a little reminder that all pupils start back on Wednesday 14th August. We very much look forward to seeing our existing pupils as well as our new starts. On day one, Primary 1 pupils being brought to school by parents/carers, are asked to bring their child to school for 9.15am and collect their child at 2.45pm. This is for day one only as it will allow them to enter and exit when it is a little quieter. Pupils being brought to school by taxi in our supported classes will arrive at the usual time of 9am and depart at 3pm and will be supported by school staff at these times of transition.

Thank you to everyone who has voted so far for us at Tesco, Lanark. Voting remains open until 31st January 2024. Every blue token counts towards funding to further develop resources and opportunities at our 4 Seasons Outdoor Classroom.

We now have 100% of our families on Parents Portal in the Primary School! Thank you to everyone for their commitment to this and to Mrs Japp for providing support to parents/carers where needed with logins etc. This is now our main means of communicating in the Primary School for consents, letters etc.

Community spirit was in abunbance at our Bonfire Bake today! Thank you to our Parent Council for planning the morning and to all our bakers in our ELC and school for their delicious goodies. £363 was raised to go towards school funds in just over an hour! 

Participatory Budget votes are counted and finalised! Class excursions wins! See link attached for break down of votes. Thank you to everyone who had their say.
Participatory Budget Collated Results October 2023

Thank you for all you responses regarding your views on attendance. The collated views can be accessed below:
Parent Carer Collated views on Attendance October 23
We will use this information to inform our future planning and will be discussed at Parent Council as well as communicated through our monthly newsletters.

As part of our ongoing focus on attendance, we would really appreciate it if you could complete a very short questionnaire to gauge your views on the matter. We have 25 responses so far. If you have yet to take part, you can access the link below. If you require any support with completing the questionnaire, paper copies are available at Meet the Teacher this afternoon.

Thank you to all who responded to our Cost of the School Day parent/carer consultation. The collated responses can be found here:
CoSD collated responses March 2023

Internet Safety Session with PC Leggate for Lanark Learning Community
Underbank Primary Parent Council wish to invite anyone interested to attend an Internet Safety Session with PC Leggate at Underbank Primary School on 8th February 2023 at 6:30pm. Please see letter shared on our school app (24.1.23).


To ensure all school and Nursery pupils are nurtured, safe, active, healthy, achieving, included, respected and responsible.

Vision Statement

At Carstairs Junction Primary School and ELC we provide a welcoming, safe and caring environment for our children, families and wider school community.  

We strive to provide rich learning experiences which promote confidence and self-belief. Every child is encouraged and supported to reach their full potential.

Our values are central to all aspects of life in our school and ELC.
Happy Our positive and supportive relationships in our school community develop motivated and engaged learners.
Nurturing Our school ethos reflects the 6 principles of nurture.
Respectful We work together to value everyone in our community and become responsible citizens.
Inclusive We strive to deliver quality inclusion day to day to meet the rights and needs of our learners.
Carstairs Junction Primary School Coronation Street Carstairs Junction Lanark ML11 8QY
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